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St John WA

As an integral part of the WA community for over 125 years, St John WA partnered with Bonfire to execute a strategic digital marketing campaign to solidify their online presence.

Watch the video to discover more about the campaign

  • 120%

    Growth in dental bookings, year on year

  • 23%

    Increase in overall revenue

  • 60%

    Decrease in average Cost Per Lead (St John Urgent Care)

  • 84%

    Increase in Top 3 SERP keyword rankings

Results as of June 2020.


St John WA has experienced widespread confusion around their products and services within its extensive and varied business units. The brand engaged Bonfire’s specialist skillset to deliver a data-driven search marketing strategy to accurately target each consumer base, alleviate brand confusion, and boost revenue.


Bonfire executed an audit of the website and Google Ads account to identify critical areas for improvement. Keeping this in mind, the team implemented an on-page strategy to optimise content and meta data in line with key phrases. Optimisations were applied to target location-based queries (i.e., “first aid course mandurah”) and drive conversions for dental and medical centre booking pages. Improvements were made to the website’s e-commerce functionality, including product schema markup for first aid kit and supply products. Alongside this, the team restructured the brand’s Google Ads account to consolidate the brand’s online messaging and target consumer segments appropriately.

I think the most valuable part of our partnership with Bonfire is the trust that we’ve got with them. We know that if they give us advice that we can trust it, and when we provide them with a goal, they will definitely achieve it.
Dylan Urquhart, Digital Marketing Specialist at St John WA


Following the execution of Bonfire’s digital marketing strategy, St John WA experienced a significant uplift in overall brand awareness, online bookings, and revenue. The organic and paid search strategy delivered a 20% increase in transactions prompting a 23% increase in overall revenue. The SEO campaign enabled the brand to elevate itself to the Top 3 positions in SERP by an average of 84% (243 keywords in top 3 positions as of June 2020). One of its most important brands, St John Urgent Care, saw a major decrease of over 60% in overall Cost Per Lead (CPL), delivering higher profitability.

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