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First Two Masterclasses at State of Social ’20 Announced

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7th October 2020 in

The first two masterclasses at State of Social ’20 were announced last week as the event gets the green light to return to Optus Stadium for its third year in a row.

State of Social ‘20 initially postponed from June due to COVID-19 restrictions and is now set to go ahead on the 24th and 25th November. Tom Goodwin, Jen Herman and Matthew Kobach are the confirmed international speakers for Day One.

Join the masterclasses on Day Two and get hands-on advice from two of Australia’s smartest, sharpest digital and social strategists: Bonfire’s very own Gabe Mach and former Facebook  now 88 Astronauts Creative Director Gavin Carver.

Workshop 1: Rethink Digital: Smarter, Sharper and Savvier Campaigns with Gabe Mach
One of the Top 25 Analytics Leaders in Australia, an AMI WA Future Leader of the Year and Bonfire’s Digital Advertising Manager, Mach’s ReThink Digital: Smarter, Sharper and Savvier Campaigns workshop is a masterclass in how to deliver higher performing digital strategies.

Workshop 2: Creativity in Social Media with Gavin Carver
Gavin Carver devised campaigns for the world’s biggest brands as a creative strategist at Facebook. Today, as creative director at 88 Astronauts, he provides training that helps businesses unleash their social creativity and achieve better results. In his Creativity in Social Media workshop, you’ll learn Carver’s tips, tricks and techniques for creating purposeful content.

Find out more and book your ticket HERE.

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